3.2.2 - Hotfix 2 - Forge Upgrades & QoL Fixes
Hi Gang! We're very busy this weekend with a few developers out of town, and other commitments, so these patchnotes might be a little briefer than normal. If you have any questions, feel free to ask a Staff Member in discord.
We're gearing up for VERY large Content & Balancing Update on the 21st. This is inline with our new updating system, which MAJOR update every 3rd week of the month. This will include a new piece of content, tons of balancing and much more.
We have a super large Bot Update. Like SUPER LARGE. For those of you who ask everyday for "market history", ask no more. The future is here.
Link: https://blog.valorserver.com/bot-v1-8/
Client Changes (Big thanks to Seb & Orbit for most of these.)
- The enemy name should now always be centralized in the Damage Percentage.
- Animated items now continue to glow past the first frame.
- Effect Chips & Ingame Effects should now properly display on the player!
- We've made the Potion Storage much easier to use, and operate. It now requires a lot more scrolling. We didn't make any serverside changes to the Potion Storage yet. We'll look at adding a Deposit All in the future. For now, we've resized the window + fixed the button detection so it's a lot easier to understand and work with.
- We've made the first set of changes to the "Sor Forge". It's now in the more modern style of UI's to go along with the Lootboxes, Potion Storage & Mark menus.

Misc or Serverside Fixes
- Fixed Sor Reactor (Now gives life steal, mana leech and HP regen).
- Fixed so both switches in fallen grotto has to be killed for the path to open.
- DamagePercentage now can't be over 100%.
- Aspect of Crystals now work as intended.
- Animated items now continue to glow past the first frame. (Might take up to 24h for this to take effect.)
- fixed /pc command further bugs and Internal Errors.
- Changes / Continued finetuning of Terra Aspect.
- Key prices saw a 10-20% increase in cost.
- Remove old packs from shop.
- Cleaned up the "loot drop" message. (Credits to nathanx#8325 for suggestion)
- Fixed the order for loot notification. It's now AR>LG>FB>Piece>CM>UT (Credits to Waterfiend#0693 for suggestion)
- Remove seasonal pets.
- Slightly adjust end of Larry Giggsman Lair fight + play with scaling in this dungeon.
- Made changes to Gensises scaling to increase the amount it's ran. Also brought up boss slightly in response.
- Everything above FB now drops in a SB bag. (Security purposes.)