3.2.3 Hotfix 1 - ARs and Scary Dungeons
We're back at it again! It's the first Friday after a major update, and we're releasing our hotfix on patch 3.2.4. We mainly focused on balancing the new dungeon, Petrified Emporium, plus misc bugs and QoL.
Originally we were planning to push Ninja Balancing this week, but we've decided to save this for Premium Testing, as we feel it's a lot of changes to the classes, and want feedback before it goes live. This Premium Testing will take place next weekend, and a countdown is available on the web dashboard here.
Page of Catatonia - New AR Spell

Torn straight from the collection of a time-shattered being, this mysterious parchment seems to hail from a universe doomed by Sidon's dominance over all of reality. Stained by corrugated blood, only the wisest might unlock its terrible power and the grave peril that comes with wielding it.
As per usual, we will not go into details about the AR until someone has received it as a drop. But there will be a short list down below of what you can expect.
- First AR ability to rely on damage through wismod.
- Comes with four dynamic rune variants that repurpose the ability to your liking
- Drops from Petricite.
Creds to Lumpian for designing the item and TehEnd for sprites :)
GL on receiving the first one!
Petrified Emporium Changes
We've brought down the generic minion base HP and almost halved the scaling to make it easier to get your way over to the boss portal. The Lava tiles with rock paths are now also walkable, and we've changed the sprite for the "Portalmaster."
Ashen Purgatory Changes (Boss room)
Petricite's base HP has been rounded up a tad bit, but we've also decreased the scaling slightly. There have also been some buffs and nerfs here and there in the behaviors. Some phases have seen increased burst shots, while others have had moderate cooldown nerfs.
The "Outer wave" shots have been buffed to fear off any strategies where you would be outside the center triangle. We've introduced Quite to these shots and increased their damage from 180 -> 250.
The "Gargoyle Stalagmites" (the three "turret" thingies) have received some new awesome animated sprites (thanks, BQ).

Historical Declarations X Trials
- When running Trials this week, you'll be able to get Historical Declarations as drops from all Trials. These are on par, or slightly below Philo stone rates.
- This will last roughly a WEEK.
General Patchnotes
- When hovering over a container (vault chest or bag) you now get a preview of it's content (Suggested by Questy). There is a new option for this in the Experimental tab.
- Added new emote "8D" (Suggested by BQ)
- Fixed offcenter while on fullscreen
- Played around with Toxic Troll transition thresholds, and reduced the amount of "hanging time/dead time" in it's behaviors.
- Increased Drop Rate of Shark Trial Items.
- D20 no longer spams in instance/world chat. Is now localized.
The notes below were introduced in a acute hotfix for the website launch, so they are already on production.
- Fixed centering on /mscale different than 1
- Added "Minor version" to the "Client outdated" dialog
- Fixed the Blessed effect mismatch on server/client, which resolved the sword icon showing up everywhere.
- Unholy Shield now mentions it is an ess craft
- Ragehall's Beacon is now not shinable
- Drannol's Fury is now not shinable
- Regolith spawning method changed, can no longer be farmed for infinite fame.
Guild, Nitro & MVP Rewards.
- As usual, claimable monthly rewards will be available on the 1st. They will be claimable for 72h, disabling for the rest of the month on the 4th.
Staff Applications
- We received a lot of amazing Moderator applications, and are currently sorting through them. We hope to be reaching out to selected Candidates within the week.