3.2.7 - Staff Class Balancing & Major Improvements
This is one of two patches coming this summer. There will be a few minor hotfixes, including a hotfix to Emporium Bridge, in order to decrease the amount of problems occurring with summon deaths & getting dc'd by walls. This patch is a LARGE patch. It has balancing for the staff class abilities, tons of respites, and a lot more. We've gone through and fixed up a lot of items that weren't properly dropping, as well as reducing how toxic the Toxic Troll is. In this patch, we've also included A LOT of memories fixes, pertaining to tile rendering, loading screens & rendering off walls and objects. Seb has spent the past few weeks rewriting the client and removing memory leaks.
In terms of Community announcements, we've created a new role called, "Suggestions Gang" which will be a role ping-able by Staff in order to poll minor changes, and QoL additions. Basically, we currently have no way of quickly polling for player feedback, and we hope this roll helps in that regard. Stay tuned for an explanation on the finer details. It will be a toggleable role, such as the Realm or Movies role.
We'll also be putting out another round of JrMod applications in the next week or so. If you're interested and passionate about Valor, we urge you to apply. Past moderation experience is not a requirement, but is a definite plus.
Guild Rewards
A little late, but they have arrived. You will recieve eboxes & onrane based on your guilds tier each month. Run /ginfo rewards
to redeem them ingame.
Credit to TehEnd & Dshoopy (Scrolls) for these amazing respites. We looked at these in a testing session, and the responses were great. So off into production they go! Apologies for the list - the formatting is a little odd.
- The Cataclysmic Veil
- Broadsword of Bloodshed
- Pernicious Fate-36
- Platinum Argarius
- Petrification Cloak
- Adroit Armor
- Ring of the Unstable Mind
- Unoch's Defiance
- Olden Necromancy Cloth
- The Ava Knight Set
- Blade of Offerings
- Shield of the Phantom
- Cultist Armor
- Mysterious Stone
- Scythe of Grim Memories
- Ring of Undeadly Conjuring
- Heatblast Trap
- Blackguard Seal
- Man O War
- Sword of Dark Retribution
- Faith of the Angel
- The Chaos Theory
- Doomgrazer
- Undead Nemesis
- An Astonishing Happening
- Rip of Soul
- Force Between Avex
- Sorrowful Boundtouch
- Unoch's Truth
- Aegis of the Devourer
- Sword of Dark Necromancy
- Never Before Seen
- Luminous Horizon
- Hide of Garutious
- Burden of the Warpawn
- Cloud Edge
- Jade's Judgement
- Garnet's Onslaught
- Seal of Sky Serenade
- Robe of Split Worlds
- Sidon's Handcraft
- Sidon's Masterpiece
- Cleansing Cleric Breastplate
- Drannol's Judgement
- Scrolls Credit of Dshoopy
Historical Declarations
- Historical Declarations now 400 Kantos instead of 600 Kantos.
- Historical Declaration's on the store are now, $3 for the single, and the x5 pack is $10. This is a decrease from $5 and $18.50 respectively. This is live as of this patch @ https://valorserver.com/ranks
- Revenant Prism Nerfed.
- Electric Storm Nerfed.
- Cat Necklace now mirrors Predator Necklace stats.
- Anchor of Titantic Might can now drop from Cerynus & Odeus. (Fallen Twins.)
- Added Geb's Ring of Wisdom to Silver Lootbox.
- Skulls, Spells & Orbs rebalanced.
Misc Comparisons:

Mechanic Changes
- Added Grove Turret to nexus Fame Shop.
- Added Golden Turret to nexus Fame Shop.
- Buffed T4, T5 & T6 Turrets.
- Buffed Turret of Aldragine.
Crouching? Speed Modifier.
Crouching is a new option in the client, that will allow you to set a toggle that will enable "crouching" while this key is held. This is being implemented as a way to slow down, to help those with PCs and issues caused by super fast speed + intense instances. While this key is held your speed is reduced by a percentage. We feel this feature will be useful for lava walking + stopping those with lower end PCs from frameskipping into lava. We also feel it has enough downsides to counter some unintended positives, as while you can dodge with it, if you accidently let up the key, you could fling yourself into a shotgun.

If the mechanic is way too powerful, we'll re-evaluate it, but we hope it'll be able to help users not die to low frames + unexpected speed jumps and frameskips.
Trial Set

The full ST set is now dropping from Wrackjaw. This is an ST Trial set, designed to be on par with LGs. The theme is Under The Sea, and has a large fortune competent when all items are equipped. Like all other ST's, it has an ST set skin upon equipping all the pieces.
Bug Fixes & Misc Changes
- Added ctrl + mouse wheel to change mscale.
- Fixed again opacity for Locked Players (name opacity).
- Double Walls now properly work with Hardware Acceleration toggled on.
- Reintroduce Anchor of Titantic Might.
- Made a minor text adjustment, to show the price for elites when forging aspect enfusers.
- Bacon Cape should be dropping from Gileon.
- Fixed opacity for Locked Players - Round two. (name opacity).
- Fixed the bug where options menu would randomly close and could not be re-opened.
- Added Friendly Panda Generator & Shocking Clown Generator. (BQ).
- Slightly increased drop rate of Saturn's Orbit. (7%-10% more common.)
- Reworked Dreadcull - now summons cross, which summons the skeleton + launches a grenade. More of a buff than a rework.
- Memory Leaks should be reduced while switching instances.
- Pack Rat Bag now drops from Ascended OT.
Credits for all client work: Sebafra.
Toxic Troll
- Removed A LOT of In-vulnerabilities from Toxic Troll.
- Added Small Sor to Toxic Troll.
- Increased Loot Rates of Toxic Troll.