3.3.5 - AR Mixup - King's Chest Edition

Hello everyone. This patch marks the start of AR Mixup, a once a year event where every boss that drops an AR, drops a Mixup Chest, which is a loot crate with every AR in it.
Kings Chest & AR Mixup
Kings Chest
- Spawns every 500 Mixup Chests Killed.
- Appears in the nexus.
- Takes sixty seconds to unlock.
- Chest re-appears reset 20 seconds after the unlock.
- Has a spawning area above the Donor Boost Display.
- Pirate Rum.
- Scrolls.
- One Use Anniversary Cake Generator (Different from the Slice).
- Tons of Dyes (Tons!).
- Historical Declarations.
- Ability Tracker.
- Drake Eggs, Pirate Rum.
Relic Mixup Chest
- Has a chance to drop every AR.
- Small chance to drop onrane, etc.
- Appears after every boss, spawns as a chest.
- Now Statis Immune.
- Historical Declarations, Ability Trackers, and Scrolls of Tracking are now classed as augments.
- Added Special Augment tag & tooltip explanation.
- Augments show up when dropped.
Ability Trackers
- The ability tracker is the newest augment. When crafted with an LG, Trial item or Relic it enables stat tracking.
Misc Changes
- Challenge Shard will drop from all 3 challenge bosses. (Pretty rare, and will not drop from trials).
- Decreased the Drop rate of Serenity's Staff.
- Therani Master Eon drop rate decreased.
- Therani Set is now soulbound.
- Knight Set Plate is now soulbound.
- Cyber Lord now has the correct ground tiles.
Stheno & Evasion
- Now properly works.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't Dodge, with just the dagger equipped. (Wasn't being checked properly on it's own.)
- All evasion numbers are the same as their tooltip.
Dog, BQ, Snowdenn, Slendergo