
Welcome back.
3.7.0 brings a slew of miscellaneous improvements, QoL/consistency changes, as well as gameplay and balance changes.
Welcome, Ohwy to the team. They will be joining us as a Spriter and makes their debut in this update.
Further congratulations to Sweet & Waterfiend for their promotion to Moderator. Divine & Tdamore will be stepping away, for now, to focus on IRL and have been set to Retired.
Potion Storage
- Potions now auto-deposit if you are maxed.
- There are now three tiers of potion upgrades. T1/T2/T3 is now capped at 75/125/150, with 150 being the new overall cap.

- Updated the tooltips.

- You may combine two T1 upgrades in the Forge Station to create a T2 upgrade.
Drop Locations:
T1: Scavenger Chests & Trials 1-3.
T2: Trials 1-3 & Alerts.
T3: Rare from Alerts & new mechanic coming in May/June.
Game Crates
- The old crate sprites weren't indicative of "loot crates", and also multiple crates used the same sprite. Every crate now has a new look courtesy of Ohwy.
- All crates have a unique sprite now.

Loot Notifications
- Best tier loot now takes priority for banners.
- Items should now show up in the correct bag.
- Fixed LG bags from not showing.
- The custom loot bags have been touched up and updated by Ohwy. (Sor, Consumable, Fabled, LG)

Item Changes
- Anguish of Drannol should no longer DC you.
- Crashing Crescendo now indicates its Elemental Sor craft.
- Fixed Holy Dagger not crafting with ele sor into it's upgrade.
- A bunch of LGs now have 8% fame bonus. (Make a ticket if some missing)
- Fixed Ability tooltip showing wrong info (LG ogmur too)
- Saturn's Orbit Air tooltip has been fixed.
- Fixed Deep Sea Trial (Warrior Set) full equip Fortune bonus.
- Nerfed AR weapons by 5-10%.
- Buffs and Nerfs to LGs.
Balance Document Here (Google Doc)
- Increased drop rate of Lance, Larry Gun & Wand.
Clarent And AR Lance Rune Sprites

- Nerfed Cyberlord minions.
- Increased HP scaling on some realm events & dungeons that were steamrolled instantly previously. (Larry, Yazanahar, Sorgigas, Avatar, Horrific, Lord Stone Gargoyle, Tod, Mothership, Mad Jester, Queen of Hearts) Be sure to give us some feedback as to how well they have been scaled.
Toxic Troll
- Reduced the amount of AoE bombs by 20-30%.
- Made transitions faster.
Malgor and Ulgur changes
We have gone ahead and listened to feedback and suggestions regarding challenges, and finally added LGs to the Malgor and Ulgur. Specifically, Demon stone and Urumi respectively have been removed from their shards and added as drops. (Credits to Dusodin and many others for the suggestion)
Malgor has also gotten some minor behavior changes.
- Malgor now drops Demon Stone.
- Ulgur now drops Urumi.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Added a 250,000 Gold Coin to the nexus. The 250k coin requires 10 stars to purchase. May be used or traded without ten stars. (Credit: BQ)
- Resprited coins / touched up + added new coins. (Credit: BQ)
- Fallen Light Gatekeeper now has a higher quest priority.
- Scripture and Ability Tracker now have proper descriptions.
- Serenity no longer commands a legion of skulls disguised as pirates.
- Improved performance when using Vault Viewer.
- Fixed the HUD hitbox for dropping items.
- Hexed effect now works properly.
- The player skin now works when using Therani's ST set.
- Elemental Phantom Skin tooltip fixed.
- Added new error/success system messages after placing a new offer in the Market.
- Glamourous Gem's effect now works.
- The Abomination now has a quest tag, and will now show damage percentage properly.
- Fixed Sidon eating your teleport cooldown even if you didn't successfully teleport.
- Fixed the "Accuracy" parameter when using /bf.
- Added LGs to all challenges and Trial 4.
- 8 players now show in nearby & locked, rather than six.
- Fixed Life and mana pots showing the wrong tier in Market.
- Fixed /mscale command (resizing HPBars etc) and you can now write "/mscale" on a chat not as a command (if it doesn't start with /)
- Fixed Player Chat Menu (teleportation from chat) (Thanks Seb!)
- Fixed Display IDs for ARs mismatching. (/pc, and /give are clearer)
- Fixed /pc for Cryochamber
- Fixed Stone Guardian Cider and Oryx's Private Bottle Sprite fix.
- Fixed projectiles outline for projectiles with higher resolution (for example Catatonia projectiles).
- Fixed buying nodes when having filled slots.
- Fixed Lost Scriptures cannot be given back inside full inventory/chest after error.
- New Kantos Icon in-game (Thanks Tehend!)
- Full window centering is now correct, hud will now take 1/5 of the screen. (Thanks Seb)
Ohwy (Crates & bags + misc)
Dog (Balancing)
Tehend (Spriting)
Waterfiend (XMLs & Misc Fixes)