4.1.0 Desharding and Aspect Reworks

Hey, this patch is being done a little bit before Challenge League starts off. The main pieces are focused around the removal of items from bloated shards, and reworking Aspects. Ar Spell has also seen buffs. Our main idea was to bring out more farmable items into the game and also help bring more variety in builds with these aspect changes. Also coming in with this patch is new Droppable & Premium skins, Housing changes, lvl 100 Battlepass reward, and prizes for the Spriting Competition too. Once again we would like to thank everyone that participated. :)
Slendergo is going to be stepping away from Valor, as he pursues other projects and focuses on the real world. He's been a large contributor over the years, helping us with early performance fixes, as well as developing the housing editor. We wish him well, and hope to see him around still. We'll be announcing two new Developers to the team in the next few patches.
Seb has put in alot of work into revamping the backend of forging and added a few new awesome QoLs. Nothing should have changed but if there is an error please make a bug ticket. (Note: Potion combining has been removed from the sor forge, as dragging potions over each other is just more user-friendly.)

- Gold Cost upgrade per level reduced to 7500 from 10000.
- Reduced the price for housing items sold for Gold across the board.
- Added 6 or 12 stack options for tiles that only had "buy 1" as an option.
- Added Carpet Options for gold & kantos.
- Added Dark Options: Hallow Floor, Purple Lines & Pure Evil.
Plot Sizes Upgrades
VIP = 20 (was 12)
Premium = 35 (was 20)
MVP = 50 (was 30)
Page of Catatonia Buffs
All enchants and base version of AR Spell have seen drastic reductions of self debuffs to where they all apply a self curse for 1s. The air enchant now has a hp drawback of 125hp on equip and all other versions have a drawback of 75hp on equip.
Additionally, we have taken in some feedback, and the Ashen Purgatory's bridge will now spawn in the same lava from shatters, dc-ing you if you don't make it in time—which means no more deaths!
Aspects Rework
View the rework doc below to see all changes made. Almost every aspect got reworked giving them a lot more playability and allowing some room for new, fun, and unique builds. There have also been a few new aspects added to certain bosses.
(Deviser has also updated the aspect docs guide which can be found in #wiki-information)
Stone Shard:
Removed any locations the shard drops from, remove from shining list. Whoever still has stone shards, they can still forge them.
- Gargoyle Slayer → Tridorno
- Gargoyle Stoneplate → Petricite
- Gargoyle Crusher → Stone Guardians
- Garugen → Ancient Assault Shard
- Head of the Gargoyle → Lord Stone Gargoyle
Cosmic Shard:
- Whispers of Murak'ul → Abandoned Basement Boss (Zip, Ava, Shad)
- Opus Salutem → Elemental Ruins (Zip, Ava, Shad)
- Man o War → Ascended Sprite
- Mind of Aanaraki → Larry Giggsman
- Karana’s Secret → Truvix
- Unoch’s Defiance → Tridorno
- Insurgency Amulet → Storm Boss
- The Mocking Raven → Queen of Hearts
- Helm of Erebus → O3
- Dirk of Notorious Agents → Aldragine
- The Chaos Theory → Zaragon
Fury Shard:
- Dragonslayer Lance → Rock Dragon (Zip, Ava, Shad, Liv)
- Oracle’s Nightmare → Krokanich (Zip, Ava, Shad)
- Burning Tome → Ascended Abyss
- The Atium → Serenity
- Kunai → Ascended Dojo (Zip, Ava, Shad, Liv)
Ancients Shard:
- Cloak of Vivacity → Sorg
- Iok’s Courage → Staumm
- Iok’s Relief → Cube God
- Venemous Eye Trap → Ascended Snake pit (Liv)
- An Astonishing Happening → Yazanahar
Zol Shard:
- Avalanche → O2
- The Nuruaj → Zol Lieutenant
- Blade of Restless Spectre → Ascended Rift
- Soul Buster → Ascended UDL (Liv)
Ancient Assault Shard:
Removed Shard drop from Yazanahar, will only drop in the dungeon now.
- Dark Land Ruination → The Dark Knight (Zip, Ava, Shad, Liv)
Challenge Shard:
- Seal of Insane Reasoning → Unspeakable First boss
- Flaming Horizons Anchor → Skull Shrine (Zip, Ava, Shad)
- Canticum Proelium → Petricite
- Timeless Insignia → Galleom of Time
- Hallowed Shield → Dreadnought Boss
- Bow of Warped Coral → Ascended OT (Remove as an ess craft too)

Miscellaneous Changes and QoLs
- Shmitty has been working on allowing us to edit a projectile's speed and other stats mid-flight, which allows for more unique patterns using features such as acceleration or deceleration. This is still a work-in-progress, however a few of the new aspects already have some of these new features, so have fun with it!
- /pclose can now only be used in nexus.
- Crown Chat Icon added for Battle Pass level 100.
- Damage on client and server is synced.
- Fixed Crits from requiring an attack scale, as well as easing on the thresholds.
- Fixed so you couldn't use consumables with -MP (items became invisible) (Thanks: Vorve)
- Kiskiorab and Dranbiel Garbs LG Effect has a 3s cd now.
- The majority of Phalgomor's drop rates have been significantly increased.
- Oryx Aspect works now on Pentaract, Thessal and Jade+ Garnet Statues.
- Summer Two Vault Map is multi-use now.
- Fixed quest arrow size and position.
- Fixed Lottl, Skull shrine, and Fallen Light Gatekeeper (Ty seb!)
- Serenity should be working properly now.
ABS (Aspect Balancing)
Arcanuo (Housing)
Avatar (Update Vid)
BQ (Sprites: aspects + other)
TehEnd (Sprites: droppable & premium skins.)
Sebafra (Tooltips + Crits)
Shad (Update Vid)
Shmitty (Aspect Code/Balancing + Desharding)
Skullz (Desharding)
Snowden (Aspect Balancing)
Waterfiend (Aspect Balancing + Desharding + Ar Spell)
Zipzar (Blogpost and Video Banner)