4.2.0 S2 Battlepass

Hello, this is a major update as it marks the start of our Second Battlepass season, as well as a new donor's area, 2 ability reworks, pack rat bag changes, new QoLs and bug fixes! We would like to thank everyone who participated in the S3 Challenge League, rewards will be out with this update.
We would like to congratulate Deathmod and Xannyy for their promotions from helper to Jr mod, as well as thank Cynica for the all the help thus far, as he is leaving the team to focus on his irl commitments.
Helper and Patrol Accounts
We are also launching some new ranks to help with moderation ingame. Helper and Patrol accounts will be given to both helpers and moderators on their main accounts. This will have the same permissions as mvp, and also /kick and /mute.
S2 Battlepass
- Added some new missions
- Added Rerolling system (1k for dailies and 5k for weeklies)
- Revamped the mission board UI to fit more missions.
- Fixed some bugged missions (Invisible Weekly and Oryx Seasonal)
This season is Shatter & Halloween-themed. The majority of cosmetic rewards will reflect this aesthetic. The cosmetics and unlocks will be considerably spooky.

Normal Rewards:
Excessive Storage Bag
Orb of Transformation x2
Historical Declaration
5+ Alerts
5+ Fabled Crates
10+ Elite Crates
5+ Epic Potion Upgrades
Pumpkin Chat Icon
Piece of the Realm
Token Crate (Guranteed Shard)
Lost Scripture #1
T1 and T2 Rifts
Housing Slot Upgrades (x5)
Misc Rewards:
Battlepass Rewards Crate
Sor Fragments
Trial Tokens
Premium Rewards:
Pumpkin Generator Pet
x2 Excessive Storage Bags
x10 Orb of Transformation (S2)
Flaming Pumpkin Knight Skin
Warrior Ghost King Skin
Green Senteninel Templar Skin
Green Senteninel Ninja Skin
Special Pumpkin Effects (Two different types.)
x2 Ability Tracker
x2 Historical Declaration
x1 Gold Valor Boost
Zombie Dirt Unlocker (x64)
Evil Pumpkin Unlocker (x3)
Jack-O-Lantern Unlocker (x3)
Spooky Tree Unlocker (x3)
Housing Slot Upgrades (x5)
Bot Updates
Significant visual updates to the bot have been added with this update. Orbit has done a lot of work on generating them, and they'll be available to look up players' characters and to show deaths.

When you die with a fully maxed character (24/24), the bot will now generate a player card instead of the Embed we used before.
Premiums and above will get their character displayed using the "Fancy Card" (the blue one), while everyone else gets the "Normal Card" (the grey one).
And if you're currently on the Legends list, your name will have a purple background, like in the images above.
Below are all the new commands available!
You can now unlink your accounts directly through Discord! The in-game command "/nodiscord" will still also work as usual.
Usage: /unlink
Requirements: Linked
This will generate a card with your best (alive) character. Exactly the same behavior as the cards above, but with no "Killer" textbox. At the moment you cannot choose what character to display, we pick your highest maxed characters and then order by base fame.
Usage: /playercard
Requirements: Linked

New rename command for Moderators to be used in Account tickets. Will speed up name changes.
Usage: /rename <current name> <new name>
Requirements: Moderator+
- Fixed a bug where /ign would try to show a "last known IGN" even though there wasn't one available.
- Loot drops will now show if it's an Elite account.
- Moved over bits of the bot to multiple threads to speed it up.
- Started saving all market sales to the database for future use.
- You can now see the bot uptime on https://status.valorserver.com/
The Grove
The Grove is a new area available off the Nexus. It is a larger shop area for the Kanto Shop. It has a new rotation of pets, such as the Canadian Flag & Dapper Doggo.

Ennway has done an awesome job and alot of work into updating alot of the music around valor, and has now brought us some great new additions. The list is below.
Ascension Enclave
Aspect Hall
Serenity (updated)
Realm (new)
Snake Pit (new)
Sprite World (new)
Superhuman Hideout (updated)
Larry Giggsmann
Petrified Emporium
The Four Derivatives
Phalgomor, the Sick-of-You (new)
The entire Oryx dungeon line (new)
Christmas Nexus (extra)
Mechanic Ability Reworks
We are here to give some love to Mechanic and reworking some current abilities to help make this class more prevalent in game and give more variety in builds. Some/Most changes are directly taken from Papa's suggestion with any necessary tweaks. See the balance doc below for the list of changes.
Assassin Ability Reworks
We are here to give some love to Assassin and reworking some current abilities to help make this class more prevalent in game and give more variety in builds. Some/Most changes are directly taken from G+'s suggestion with any necessary tweaks. See the balance doc below for the list of changes.
Pack Rat Bag Changes
As per a highly upvoted suggestion by Hellobaha, pack rat bag rewards will now be redeemed through lootboxes. Rates for gaining rat bags should be the same and will work as adding +1 to your Rat Bag counter if you earn it. If you have any physical rat bags, you can convert them for a 1:1 ratio of the currency.
With this, the rewards from each tier have also been changed.
Tier 1
- Onrane
- Black Scroll
- Blue Scroll
- White Scroll
- Bella Key
- Tomb Key
Tier 2
- Onrane
- Onrane Cache
- Undead Lair Key
- Dojo Key
- Ultimate Onrane Cache
Tier 3
- Galactic Plateau Key
- The Catacombs Key
- Zol Cave Key
- Ultimate Onrane Cache

Fabled Crate Rotation
This is the new rotation for this month.
Anchor of Disruption
Weighted Gemstone
Age of Zol
Fang of Garutious
Ring of Sorrow
Lavos Armor
Orb of Ulgur's Spirit
Spell of the Fallen Titan
Reinforced Leather hide
Helm of the Timewarper
Dagger of holy Truth
Ring of the Wildfire
Spear of the Unforgiven
Ronin Skull
Helmet of Oryx
Miscellaneous Changes and QoLs
- Resprited gold cache (Ty BQ!)
- Added more tags for forging.
- Updated all eon's bagtypes. (Should now drop in orange bags)
- Added 16x16 Canadian Flag Pet, and Deviser's staff pet.
- Fixed Quiver of Denial Sprite.
- Slightly buffed loot from Allseeing Horror. (all item drops)
- Massive thanks to the memory leak fixes by KeepSmiling!
- Added crafting recipe for insane potion upgrades. (Epic is 2500 and Insane is 15000)
- Protection abuse is now impossible, and HP will not affect it anymore.
- Added Zol Cave to 2nd tier Rifts.
- Brought down Conjurer base HP by a little bit, and actually gave it scaling.
- Fixed BP Loot Frog Unlocker not unlocking.
- Phalgomor has seen some taunt adjustments.
- Potion Storage Unlockers can now be crafted (Epic is 2500 and Insane is 15000)
Arcanuo (The Grove + Battlepass)
BQ (Sprites)
ENNWAY (Music)
G+ (Sprites)
KeepSmiling (Bug fixes/code submissions)
Lumpian (Phalgomor Taunt adjustments)
Ohwy (Sprites)
Orbit (Bot Upgrades)
Sebafra (Battlepass + Pack Rat Bags + Prot)
Shmitty (LG Effects)
Skullz (Balancing)
Waterfiend (Balancing)
Zipzar (Blogpost Thumbnail)