4.6.5 Alert Sets & Shield Changes

Hey folks, hope everyone had a great happy new year, and enjoying their holidays. As we start off the new year, once again we would like to thank everyone for being apart of our community. We have a lot planned to try and get done by the end of this year. So we hope to get those out quickly and efficiently.
January will be a big month. We'll be opening up numerous applications this month, as we're looking for additional spriters, and developers to join our team! We're looking for individuals who would like to help us take Valor to the next level this year. We have implemented various fixes to help with the recent DDoS attacks.
There will be a separate community post concerning website changes, developer applications & an event feedback form in the next few days.
Recruitment & 2023 Applications
In the next few days we'll be opening applications for a few different roles. We'll be opening google form applications for both spriter and developer roles.
We are also looking for an Editor to assist us with our monthly update videos, and other content pieces. If this is something that interests you, please reach out to Avatar (Discord: Wazza#5533) or open a General #create-ticket and let us know.
The Oracle (Boss Tracker)
With the New Year, we've finally got a highly upvoted & wanted community QoL which has been requested for a long time. You can find The Oracle in the nexus near the Sor forge. Interacting it will load up the UI seen below.
As you kill bosses, the system will fill up and populate the tabs. Currently we have three categories, Bosses, Realm Events & Ascendeds. It will keep track of the amount of ARs, LGs, Pieces, & other LGs such as Insignias, etc.
Special thanks to Sebafra for this feature.

Alert Sets
Bringing in a lot of love to alerts with the additions of new sets to feel more rewarding as well as adding more into the meta. Currently, an addition of a Paladin set to Anubis, Priest set to Kraken, Blademaster set to Bergelmir, Rogue set to Terradius, and a Huntress set to Toxic Troll. All Alerts got new sprites and new maps all thanks to BQ & Deathmod. Kraken, Anubis, Terradius & Bergelmir have gotten drastic increases in hp to make it more of a challenging fight. List of all the sets and items are below in the balance doc. Feedback is always welcome.

Shield Changes
As we continue our balancing, we have done alot of work into changing up metas and bringing out new ones to Knight. This has been an underplayed class without vinelocker and we hope these changes will fix that. Constructive Feedback is always welcome, list of all the changes are below in the doc.
More changes for shields to come.
Miscellaneous Changes & QoLs
- /cc (insig check) can now be used anywhere.
- Increased HP Scaling on 2nd Shatters boss.
- Increased drop rate of Saturn's Orbit slightly. (To go with below changes.)
- Added Staff pets for Xannyy, Deathmod, and Comfrog
- Added Boss & Loot Tracking (Thanks Seb!)
- Fixed Pet Slottypes.
- Fixed invisible consumables.
- Removed HWN object & tiles from Home Depot.
- Added The Oracle for Kantos in the Home Depot.
- O3 is now stun immune.
- Fixed Malgor's Invigorating charm, Dragon Charm.
- Added youngthug & funnystone emote ingame.
Avatar (Update Vid)
BQ (Sprites)
Deathmod (Alert Mapping)
Iwanabeu (Alert Sets Passives)
Kayood (Shield Passives)
Skullz (Alert Sets)
Sebafra (Boss Tracking, Misc Changes & QoLs)
Tehend (Sprites)
Waterfiend (Shield Changes, Alert Sets)
Zipzar (Shield Changes, Alert Sets, Blog Banner)
Arcanuo (QoLs)