4.7.0 Gala Revamp & Cloak balancing

Hello valorians, hope everyone is doing okay! This patch can be summed up in two words, short and sweet. Bringing you a resprited gala, balancing and addition of new cloak and two new AR passives, QoL rate adjustments and more!
Guild Rewards are now live for 72 hours, as well as a new Fabled Crate rotation for the month.
Stay tuned for the upcoming valentines event, check out #announcements. A bunch of mod events, guarenteed challenge days, scripture discounts and more!

Staff Changes & Promotions
Gancho and Silent have been promoted from Helper to Jr Mod, they have been helpful with various mod tasks and keeping an eye ingame & discord. A great addition to the team to help out in tickets as well. We are also bringing in two new spriters as well. This will be announced on the 10th, as we're contacting them this week. Can't wait to see what more they can bring to the table! Massive thanks to Tehend for all his awesome work so far, he had been an integral part of the spriting team for Valor, but now has focus on other things. He has been moved to Retired Staff. Make sure to congratulate everyone!
Galactic Plateau Resprite
As an ongoing goal of ours, and long awaited task. We are here to present a fully resprited galactic plateau and mothership. A definite future dystopian vibe to the table. Massive thanks to BQ for the spriting and mapping. As well as a new addition of a LG cloak to The Overseer. Make sure to checkout the balancing doc below.
The map and layout is slightly different, in order to make it a smoother experience overall, but it stays true to the same core concepts, it just looks amazing now!

Cloak Balancing
With this patch, we are bringing another round of balancing changes. This time to cloaks, and focusing on trying to bring out more metas, and make certain cloaks more useful. With this there is the addition of the new cloak, as well as a full rework of AR Cloak. As always, constructive feedback is welcome!
Fabled Crate Rotation
Robe of Forbidden Power
Twisted Amulet
Guardian Dagger
Cloth of Garutious
Codex of the Corrupt
Quiver of the Onslaught
Reinforced Prism
Tome of the Holy Titan
Implacable Ram
The Twisted Axe
Percussion Shield
Corruption Spell
March of the Captain
Kismet Seal
Banner of Revenge
Realm, Rates & Dungeon Changes
- Added Dazed Immune to O3. (Suggestion: Liv)
- Averaged out mega hot lava dmg & regular hot lava dmg (Suggestion: Liv)
- Slightly reducing 10k golds from Drannol. (Suggestion: Liv)
- Reduce Fabled Crate rates from Catas & Gileons. (Super high compared to other places.)
- Added extra shots to Garg towers in ashen to remove leech spots. Let us know if its still an issue.
- Added insignia of valor to right stone guardian.
- Fixed Granithia Bombs spawned stacked, spawns 1 bomb instead of 2 but more frequently. (Suggestion: Summr)
- Queen Of Hearts shouldn't be able to be insta'd before it properly HP scales.
- Moved Zol Cave to ghost ship & increased base health / slightly scaled ghost ship entities and increased damage on projectiles.
- Added new staff that will be obtainable from Fallen Light shop (Suggestion: Yetimi!)
- Reduced The Scaling and Base HP on Shatters Obelisk's in 1st.
- Super Mega Hot Lava in Serenity is now 2x tiles wide on edge of arena so you can see it w/ camera rotation etc / to prevent leech spots.
- Ghost of Skuld now has an HP Bar and Mini Map Indicator for its movement.
- Removed Master Eons from Trials. (Suggestion: Liv)
- Slightly increased Cata (T3) drop rates.
- Decreased Drop rate of Cyber's Wand & Exile's.
- Decreased drop rate of Wand of Galactic Restoration.
- Decreased Drop rate on aspect of vamps & aspect of glaciers.
- Increased drop rate slightly for Blades of the bridge & Soulcatcher.
Reduced Drop Rate of the Following by 10-15% (Reductions aimed mainly at trials/challenge locations): (Suggestion: Summr)
- Shard of the Cosmic Collapse.
- Shard of the Grand Challenge.
- Shard of Zol Corruption (Only 5% or so)
- Shard of Eternal Fury.
- Shard of the Ancients.
Miscellaneous Changes and QoLs
- Added ChallengeBoss, AlertBoss, TrialBoss, RaidBoss, & SendBossData tags to respective bosses
- Fix centering on some sprites (Suggestion: Spirit)
- Added 2 sec invincibility after entering an instance. (Suggestion: Airi)
- Added new tabs to The Oracle Trial Bosses, Challenge Bosses, Raid Bosses and Alert Bosses.
- Added Shatters Bosses (Bridge Guardian and Twilight Archmage) to The Oracle. Drops from Aldragine, Zol Heart, Trials are now counted
- Web Profile & Toggle Parameter added to player menu (Suggestion: Summr)
- Added some valentine assets & resprites.
- Made reskin mercy a limited tag item.
- Made abyssal rune a crafting material tier.
- Added Davy jones key to prot bag.
- Added popsicle blades effect & tooltip.
- Reworded the alert set tooltips & descriptions. (Ty Zipzar!)
- Added Reskin xmas grey belt passive.
- Added Malgor's Invigorating charm passive on tooltip. (Suggestion: Summr)
- Fixed a bunch of alert item bugs.
Arcanuo (QoLs & Rate changes)
Avatar (Video & Media)
BQ (Gala sprites)
IWBU (Item Passives)
Kayood (Item Passives)
Sebafra (Gala + QoLs)
Skullz (Cem & Garden changes + balancing)
Snowden (Zol cave & shatts changes)
Waterfiend (Gala sprites + balancing + Item passives)
Zipzar (Blog banner + balancing)