5.1.0 S5 Battlepass, Genisus Rework, Lootbox Rehauls & Balancing

Hey Valorians!
Version 5.1.0 marks the start of a new season for the Battlepass, aligning with the changing of the actual season!
This will be the last strictly monthly update. Going forward, updates will be rolling out when they are ready. This may be a month, it could be fifteen days, or it could be 2/3 months depending on what is being worked on. I would like to re-iterate that this is not a decrease of activity, but rather a focus of increased effort to address problematics aspects of our gameplay loop and not force us into arbitary limiting timelines, and rather focus on doing what is needed.
Ar Mixup will be beginning on the 23rd, and a Countdown is available here. This weekend will have a 25k BF event. Guild rewards are also now live.
Staff Changes
We would like to give a massive thanks to Skullz, Zipzar, Shmitty for all the work they have done for Valor thus far. Sadly, they are departing the team to focus on other projects & IRL commitments. We would like to welcome Summr back on the team, they will be focusing on reworking old content as well as bringing some new content soon so stay tuned for that. Liv has also been moved from the role of helper and will be joining the content team to help with some balancing as well as Dot being promoted to Moderator.
We are currently working on some more ways to integrate the community into the internal testing and allow for more ways to provide meaningful feedback so stay tuned for updates on that!
Both Orbit and Sebafra have been doing an amazing job with a bunch of client optimizations to provide a much smoother gameplay and marginal fps increases. Alot more disposing methods have been added as well as a totally new chat so it feels much more modern than before. The wiki has seen some marginal changes too with the addition of drop locations within the tooltips as well as the lootboxes outlining what they have to offer. There has also been the addition of Oracle Leaderboards which has been something highly requested so make sure to check those out!
S5 Battlepass
Starting the Summer off with a new battlepass season as well as two new exciting themes brought to you by BQ & Ohwy. A Geek inspired theme by BQ paying homages to a variety of different games and media that's geek related. Also with this being a Royal Theme by Ohwy with a lot of cool and unique sprites.

- A new set of quests have been added into the mix.
- Increased price of bp in the nexus from 2100 -> 2400 kantos.
- Elite Crate Rewards are increased in normal pass, and mirrored in premium pass.
- Added Additional Alert Tokens.
- Added Animated Emote Rewards.
- Removed low tier rewards past fifty such as low trial tokens.
- Added more rewards in the normal pass, and increased amount of rewards in the last 10 levels of the normal pass.
Note: Slot 92 of the Premium Pass will be getting a hat, which is not yet finished. Slot 100 is yet to be released as well.
Genisus Rework
Ongoing with our longterm goals of reworking old content and bringing something fresh into the mix. Brought to you by G+, Shmitty, Arcanuo, Comfrog & BQ is a much more challenging and fun fight reworking everything from Truvix to the whole dungeon and new addition of mechanics such as beams and a binary code challenge!
- Improved rate for gold cache and onrane cache.
- Made Realm Protectors Bag a 25% chance.
- Has chance to drop elemental sor crystal and fire rune.
- Added Genisus Key to guild shop
Lootbox Rehaul
Loot Boxes have remained unchanged for a while and have become somewhat boring. We've made several improvements to enhance the Loot Box experience and assist players with their progression by making farming easier and more enjoyable. Furthermore, small-portions of beginner sections of the game have undergone some light re-balancing and have seen the introduction of new items to complement these changes.
Check out the document below to see the new Loot Box contents.
Balance Changes
This update we have decided to tackle wands, dice and jacket changes. In an attempt to properly organize all wands to allow for better progression and change up a few metas. This includes a new passive to AR Wand and a few other LG Passive additions and changes. Dices have gotten reworked to provide more usability with some of the underused ones and provide more alternate fun builds.
There have also been a ton of UT balance changes done by Deathmod and Liv and fully resprited sets by BQ. Make sure to check those out within the doc below. They are in conjunction with the Lootbox changes.
Looking forward to the constructive feedback with all these changes. See the doc below for a more detailed outline.
Miscellaneous Changes and QoLs
- Increased drop rate of Pieces of the Realm by 15-20%.
- Improved drop rate of Realm & Boss LG rates that were quite high. (Burning Tome, Timeless Insignia, Harlequinn's Crossbow, etc.)
- Increased chance to get an alert by 25%.
- Anti-Cheat changes to help with hit detection. (Unspeakable shield, etc.)
- Summer Pack: Star Wars theme has now been released, includes multiple themed pets, inquisitor skin for each class, and a specialized star icon now available on the site.
- Added option to disable/enable 3d objects (default enabled)
- Changed displaying fps/memory (it's now on minimap as a text)
- Fixed disconnecting anchors
- Fixed The Oracle bugs (Thanks Questy for the report!)
- Fixed Phantom Cleaver Air cooldown popup.
- Changed how Chat is displayed so text looks better (Skilly's 7.0 client)
- Fixed Hat Opacity when sometimes it could use opacity on locked/guildmates when options were off
- Added Leaderboard in The Oracle which shows top5 of each boss kill count
- Fixed Deathdream soft lock.
- You can no longer receive party invites from people you've ignored
- Visible cooldowns added for inventory items (Thanks Orbit)
- Added drop locations and crafting descriptions to in-game wiki.
- Added a new registration dialog for Normal VS Elite accounts to prevent accidental registrations.
- Forging now has no fixed order. You can place the items in any slot.
Arcanuo (Genisus Rework)
BQ (Sprites)
Comfrog (Genisus Rework)
Deathmod (Balancing)
G+ (Sprites + Genisus Rework)
Iwanabeu (Item Passives)
Liv (Balancing + Blog Banner)
Ohwy (Sprites)
Orbit (New QoLs + Optimizations)
Sebafra (New QoLs + Optimizations)
Summr (Balancing + Bug Fixes)
Waterfiend (Balancing)
Zipzar (Balancing)