6.5.0: Winter Update

This update is.. substantial. We have some new content, and also we have so much reworked / changed content, it pretty much is new. We've continued to focus on making the game actual playable, with a little bit more to do for those that have been playing for over half a decade, and are tired of seeing the same things.
We will have a blog post with some rank changes, and a recruit for more Helpers soon. ABS will be moving to Developer, but will still help out on the moderation side.
The Morrigan Skull and BP lvl 100 reward from the Halloween pass is slated to be dealt with this week. There was a few things we didn't get to look at that we wanted to, so expect to see more in terms of AR tweaks as well. We had plans for Arcanuo's Zol Lance & some of the huge damage outliers, but didn't want to rush it.
The progress for our new client continues in the background, and will most likely be at least another update before that takes focus. We have some work pre-sprited now, so expect to see another update that isn't seven months from now. No deadline though, as Arcanuo is terrible with them!
We're most likely missing some misc changes, as well as some behavior improvements, so this post may update.
Also keep your eyes peeled for Christmas Reskins coming shortly.
Battle Pass
Due to the unfortunate situation with the Halloween Battle Pass, we are moving on to the Christmas Update.
The new Battle Pass is now available, and the sale from Black Friday will be extended until tomorrow morning to be fair.
At popular request, level unlockers can also now be used to go past level 100.
Skins & Pets
Lazy Elf Magus
Necromancer Gingerbread
Daddy Knight
Festive mafia Spirithunter
Milk Asassin
Festive Priestess Snow princess
Huntress Tree Elf
Grinch Warrior
Frozen Solid Trickster
Arcanuo Star Generator
Old Man Arc Generator
Ultimate Santa Generator
There is two star icons, new skin chips/effects, and updated rewards. The Orb of Transformation for this season is the Christmas Orb.
Vardon The (Failed) Conquerer
Vardon was once Sidon's Great General, but became disgusted with his tactics, choices, and attempted to use Genisus Technology to travel back in time to defeat him and save the realm, but instead became stuck in time, inside an old training ground, where he has been ever since. He has grown bitter, and strikes out against all that enter his Crucible. It is possible to temporarily visit him, but the bindings of the Crucible prevent him from leaving.
Vardon is Challenge Four, and drops a Magus Crystal (LG), Talisman (FB) and AR Tome. Vardon introduces some new behavior and projectile systems, and we will be taking feedback on it. We wanted Vardon to feel challening as a group, but not unfair.
Realm Reworks
While we've only written a sentence or two about these each, they are significant replacements and improvements. This goes hand in hand with the reduction of only needing to kill 25 Realm Events to get to Oryx, who has also had his scaling increased.
Diantha is a new setpiece, which replaces Kage Kami. It will appear midlands/before godlands, and drops the Manor of the Immortals.
Manor Of The Immortals
Manor has been reworked, and Ruthven is completely rehauled. Faith of the Angel also now drops from Ruthven.
Fallen Gateekeper
Fallen Gatekeeper is now an actual fight, replacing possibly the worst Event in Valor. Waterfiend worked super hard on this, and in testing it has been well received. It is designed to look and feel good fighting, and be a possible blueprint for future content.
We introduce a fair amount of balancing, mostly focused around LG & ST sets, as well as ARs. A lot of this balancing is focused around sets - which we've always loved, but have never really made sense, the way Valor is structured. This below document walks through the majority of the LG/FB & AR changes.
Things like spiders being changed, aren't reflected here. Items with Friends (minions) that fired projectiles now have an opacity setting to make them more useable.
There was some work on early game progression, but this isn't a major focus for the majority of players, so we seperated them out, and this can be found here. The document most will be interested in is above.
Sor Reactor
Sor Reactor is back. Engine of Entropy never really caught on, it was still referred to as "Sor Reactor" by the community, so we've gone back to that. The dropping from Zol was never really the same as the farmability of Mad Lab. We've struck a balance. If you previously had reactor pieces, you will still have them, ready to be used in a craft.
Now you can purchase "Latent" pieces from The Zol Shop for 7500 onrane each, which then need to be charged.
This is a lot, but it is a linear progression for one of the best items in the game, so it should be a lot. For the two pieces, you are required to consume 1500 Sor Fragments to charge Sor Nucleus. For Chassis, you will need to kill 500 Ascended Dr Terribles. The Latent pieces are soulbound until fully charged.

Behavior Updates
This list is not everything at all. One of the focuses of this update was refreshing a lot of old content, and making it more usable, and mixing it with a bit of new content.
- Abyss + Ascended Abyss spawns safe tiles on loot bag
- Ascended Malphas drinks less coffee
Fallen Raid
- Removed Merganus dialogue cheese (😈😝)
- Removed Titans dialogue cheese + adjustments
- Helped with Ascended Fire Wizard survival phase
- Orb is now paralyze immune.
Garden of Chaos
- Granithia dialogue cheese removed
- Granithia boulder throwers tweaked
- Vitalia dialogue cheese removed + minor cleanup
- Lenin opens automatically after fight
- Constructs now have spawning animations
- Ghost King bug fixing and fight speedup
- Rock Dragon body segment indicators
- Stevix less jumpy + minor adjustments
- Garutious better indicators
- Jade and Garnet indicators + adjustments
- Gargoyle shots more standardized damage
Mad Jester
- Mad Jester better indicators for shotgun kiss
- Just a little bit closer! 🤡
- Minor phase touchups
Mad Lab
- Green potions in lab/asc lab clear on boss death
- Added short dying phases for both bosses
- Minions now properly spawn
- Boss proceeds with fight quicker if you get to minions
- Archmage dialogue cheese removed
- Royal Guardians hang out longer
- Hired a Forgotten Bridge Operator
Titan Raid
- Scorching Crawlers no longer follow decoys into the unknown
- Titan Towers minor adjustments
- Revil minor adjustments
- Stone Orbs and Urgles indicators, dying phases
- Drannol minor adjustments
- Scorching Wrath minor adjustments
Zol Raid
- Stone of Zol indicators + dying phase
- Aldragine touchup
- New Core failure mechanic
- Better damage tracking for Core
Indicator Rehash
- Mad Jester Shotgun Kiss
- Large Sor Crystals
- Drannol
- Y-Eaters
- Rock Dragon Body Segments
- Garutious
- Stone Orbs and Urgles
- All-Seeing Horror
- Titan Turrets (All)
- Core of the Hideout [New Failure Mechanic]
- Crystal Prisoner Crystal
- Crimson Temple bug fixing and indicators
- Abomination no more acid bathing
- Sprite world platform on boss kill
- Dreadnought minor adjustments
- Increase Merganus HP Scale
- Increase Oryx 3 HP Scale
The Gambcanuo is an NPC available on the left side of the nexus. You can now gamble 10,000 gold at a time, using scratch cards. You purchase a card and then well scratch!

Scratch Card Prizes and Their Probabilities
Here's a quick overview of the different prize amounts you can win with scratch cards and the likelihood of winning each:
• $69: 5% chance
* $1000: 8% Chance
• $2,500: 17% chance
• $5,000: 15% chance
• $7,777: 3% chance
• $10,000: 8% chance
• $15,000: 6% chance
• $25,000: 4% chance
• $50,000: 1.5% chance
• $100,000: 0.4% chance
• $150,000: 0.2% chance
*. $250,000: 0.15% chance
• $1,000,000: 0.1% chance
We did a fair amount of research on real life scratch card systems to arrive at this chance, and it of course in the end a gold sink, but the chance of winning big and it feeling good should be there. We'll monitor this during launch week.
Misc Changes
- Long buffs/debuffs are no longer overridden by shorter ones - longer should take precedent
- Magus now supports Minion Master
- Magus is once again wismodded
- Shine Booster is stackable
- Dozens of bug fixes for LG effects. (Spiders, etc.)
- Added client option for opacity for Friend (Minion) shots. (AR dice, etc.)
- Can now level past 100 in bp with unlockers
- Keen and valorous now work with nodes
- Add /rate {itemName} to show a quick preview of the items drop rate and locations
- Predator Necklace should work a lot better now in terms of tracking.
- Morrigans Skull is no longer soulbound.
- Realm Events require 25 event kills instead of 35 to close now.
- Fix insignias sometimes randomly requiring only 3/3 instead of 5/5.
- Removed Sor Fragments from Eboxes
- Ele Sor keeps reforge data
- New announcements for new players
- Market expiry time back to 14d.
- Reroll & Shine Changes
UTs can now have their reforges re-rolled.
Decreased re-roll costs
LG -> 8k
FB -> 5k
UT -> 2k
Increased shine discount reroll count from 3 to 5
Decreased shine booster discount to 35% from 30%
Decreased shine discount from 50% to 40%
- ABS (Massive amount of behavior improvements/reworks
- BQ
- Foucs (Skins & Icons for BP.)
- Deathmod (Some balancing + new diantha/ruthven)
- Waterfiend (Fallen Gatekeeper Rework)
- Sebafra
- Comfrog
- Shiff
- Halent
Special thanks to a bunch of testers: DKxd, Guds, BigBot, Jexhee, Shiff, etc.