Bot V1.8 - The Sales Gathering

Hello everyone!
This is the first blog post about a bot update, as well as my first blog post overall, and I'm super hyped about that.
Sadly though, this update is relatively small. I have been focusing on bug fixes on Valor and getting into my administrator role more and more. But there are still some good features for this update, and I hope you guys will enjoy them.
NEW - Market Tracking
I've added a minor system that will keep all your market sales saved on the bot for 24H. This means that while you've been offline and sold stuff from the market, the bot has collected all the necessary information and saved it for you to view.
To view all your sales from the last 24H, write "-sales" in the #bot channel. It only works for verified users! It will DM you all the sales it saved and then remove them from the internal storage. Keep in mind that it only saves the sales from where you were offline.
Here is a preview of how it will look for you; this is very basic and will most likely become a bit more fancy pancy with coming updates. More in style with how we usually display stuff.
"You sold the item 'ITEM' to 'USER' for 'COINS' at TIME"

Ticket System
- Fixed an issue where the bot would boot loop if it loaded an invalid ticket
- Fixed the "-ticket add" command
Vouch System
- Added a reminder when doing your first vouch that vouches are only for RWT and not in-game trading.
- Updated the images for drops, should be more LG's displaying their sprite in #raids-and-drops
- Better logging system for back-end stuff
- The "Player count" category has had its update time doubled, as it was rate-limiting the bot (60s -> 120s)