Bot V3.6

New month, new update!

Welcome to 🥶❄️ season. This update features the new Winter player card and some QoL and misc features!

Winter Card

A new seasonal player card is here!

The Winter card will be available until the 1st of January, 2023.

Player card options

Usage: /changecard

Only available in the bot DM's.
You can now choose what player card you'd like to use.

Current options are:

  • Default (The grey/blue ones)
  • Auto (Will automatically use the right seasonal card, otherwise default)
  • Winter (Only if you have the Winter pack)
  • Halloween (Only if you have the Halloween pack).

Cloths in player cards

In addition to dyes, you can now see cloths in player cards!

Before, any cloth would be the same as a black dye in the player card; now you see your fancy cloth!

"/pc" auto-correct changes

The auto-correct will now automatically use the closest match as the item instead of displaying all the options first for you.

If the chosen item is still incorrect, and there are other similar items found by the auto-correct, you will be able to press a button under the "/pc" output to show all the available options.

New "/pc" auto correct
After pressing the button

"/sales" changes

Before, if you had enough sales during a 24H period, the /sales command would not work. This was because Discord has a character limit on their Embed descriptions, which would be exceeded.

I've now switched to multiple embeds when there are a lot of sales. This should allow up to 600 sales within a 24H period to be displayed.

The "/sales" will now also show ALL sales, even if you were online.

Message and User Commands

Message Commands and User Commands are now integrated and easily addable in the bot.

Currently, there are only a few User Commands available. You reach them by right-clicking someone and hovering over "Apps." Here are the new ones:


  • Timed-based roles will now correctly be removed when unlinking
  • Fixed bugs in the "discord" and "reboot" commands
  • Added a delay to the suggestion reactions so the message is 100% accessible, as that wasn't always the case.


Orbit (Bot development)
BloodQwen (Winter card)
Waterfiend (Updated item drop images)