Bot V4.0.0

The most significant Bot update to date.
Because of the large changes in this update, we thought it would warrant a more extensive version update. Therefore we went straight for 4.0.0.
Graphics changes
Easter player card
Easter is upon us!
And with a new season comes the most anticipated pixels on earth...
A new player card, of course!

All credits go to BQ, who created this (and all other) player cards <3
Easter price check card
This will be the first time we make a seasonal price check card!

As long as there are previous sales found
If you get the Easter pack, you'll keep them indefinitely
Coming soon ™️
In an upcoming update, you'll be able to show PC cards with more time ranges.
Currently, there's only a 1-week view, showing the price history for today and 6 days back.
Soon you'll be able to select a weekly view, showing the price for this week and the 6 past weeks.
We might also introduce a monthly view, showing the price for this month and the 6 past months.
Information to pack owners
If you bought any of the previous packs (Summer, Winter, or Halloween), you can now equip that season's playercard as your default one!
This can be done either directly in /playercard, or if you'd like it to be your standard card for death cards, you can also do /changecard in the Bot DMs.
- New GIF quantizer for better image quality
- Sale tax formula changed to display prices more accurately
- Added override to /playercard to select any card you have access to
- Helpers and above now have access to all cards
Dual Linking
Linking is now twice as powerful!
You can now link a second Valor account to your Discord account!
This will allow you to create refund tickets with the second account and generate player cards.
You can only dual-link Elite accounts. So you have your main account linked as usual and your Elite account dual-linked.
To dual link, run the /link command like normal. You will be greeted with an option to link an elite account.

Punishment System
We're slowly phasing out Carl-bot, and this is one big milestone in doing that.
Valor bot now has its own punishment system for Discord
Some features include:
- Warnings with automatic punishment
- Time-based mutes
- Time-based bans
- Information logging to user DMs and log channels
One warning will automatically be removed every 7 warning-free days.
The punishment you receive will be based on the number of active warnings you have.
Pasta Command
The new command for everything Valor!
This command replaces old carl-bot commands.
The current options are:
- Client help
- Wiki help
- Server Status
- Linking help
- Rwt help
Example pasta command (client help):

Ticket rewrite
Tickets have been majorly rewritten and organized in the code base.
(~4000 lines modified)
A lot of internal stuff has completely changed (for the better).
New replacements for old systems have been implemented and will lie dormant under this patch to not break currently open tickets.
These old systems will be fully depreciated in 4.1.0 when all new tickets have been using both methods for a while and can entirely switch to the new one.
New Bridge
As some may know, the Bridge is our system to bridge communication between Valor and the Bot.
Until now, this system has lived on the Bot and has locally been receiving and processing the messages.
Now we've split this into its own process and added more functionality, making it more powerful.
This means that even when the Bot is fully down, we still receive and queue messages, so nothing is lost.
Your precious loot and death messages will be held securely in a queue and processed by the Bot once it's available again.
We also built the new Bridge with redundancy in mind, making it possible to spin up a new instance during, for example, patching.
There will (hopefully) never be another Bridge message lost!
- RWT tickets are now entirely limited to linked players. You can no longer invite unlinked players.
- Fixed bugs with internal moderator commands
- Fixed a bug with the ticket reopen button not working
- Introduced a new @notificationsquad ping for when realm events hit 30/35
- Depreciated the "Guided Tickets" and "ReactActions" systems.
- Implemented a new cache for the Market system. This will make queries faster.
- Fixed "double" start-up issue, causing double messages in #raids-and-drops
- Fixed "not verified" embed displaying incorrectly
- Fixed error with sending DM after dual linking
- Fixed so tickets archive again
- Ticket rewrite
- New Bridge
- Graphic changes
- Dual Linking
- Implement new cards
- Punishment System
- Easter player card sprite
- Easter price check card sprite