Challenge League S4

This is the information for Challenge League 4.

We're super excited to start.

Start Time: Between Noon-1PM EST Saturday.

End Time: June 10th.


  • Base increase of loot by 300%.
  • Heavily reduce LG, AR & Realm Thresholds by 90%.
  • Alert are now 300% more common.
  • Eboxes are 300% more common.
  • Skill Tree & EXP Fame gain are 250% accelerated.
  • You may only equip 2 ARs & 3 LGs at a time.
  • Made some Weekly & Alltime missions slightly easier.
  • Added much more daily and weekly missions per week.
  • Added Special BP Missions.
  • Battle Pass Level cap is now 1000.
  • Added Additional Quests
  • Elite Accounts are disabled
  • Removed Quests
Spending Gold
Market Quests
Gold Consuming
  • Increased EXP Gain x3-x10 from:
Lower Tier Dungeons (Storm etc)
Mid Tier Dungeons
Ascended Dungeons
  • Raw Exp Gain For:
Killing Events
Completing Raids
Crushing Items


Part of the reason we're running a Challenge League is to test a new scaling system. This is a new dynamic scaling system. It will always be better to have higher tiered items, but this will help with lower level solo content as well, as hopefully stop group content from being completely rolled.

  • Malgor
  • Serenity
  • Ulgur
  • All Zol Bosses
  • All Fallen Bosses
  • Scaled Berkio
  • Abomination
  • 01, 02 & 03
  • Most Dungeon Bosses.

Prizes & Scoring

1) AR of Choice + Random AR Ring

2) AR Weapon of Choice + 10000 Kantos

3) Random Ability AR

4-10) Philosopher's Stone & 2 Random Legendaries

11-50) 10x Elite Crate

51-100) 5x Elite Crate

All top ten CL winners will receive "CL S4 Pro" in the Main Discord.

BP Progression Rewards

You will earn Main Server rewards for reaching Battle Pass milestones.

Level 25) Lost Scripture #1

Level 50) Master Eon

Level 100) Lost Scripture #2

Level 250) Philosopher's Stone

Level 500) Random Legendary Unlocker

Challenge Pass

This pass will be purchasable throughout Challenge League.

For every BP Level completed in Challenge League, you will earn 5-10 Kantos on main server. (Up to BP Level 1000.)

Special Sword Icon

Special Challenger Pet

Main Discord Role: Challenger

Challenger Rewards ($10 USD)