Minecraft Update. We're headed to Space?!?

The first thing going through your mind is undoubtedly; "These guys still make Minecraft servers??". We do, and we understand it's been a little while since this side of Valor was making noise- and making noise we are.
Originally, the plan was to make a pretty standard Sky Block server with a few space themed features, and refine it overtime... That didn't happen. As we progressed, we kept adding more and more features. We decided to evolve from our original idea of a more generic skyblock server, and do it right. We didn't stop, it just took some time. We're confident it was worth the wait, and hope you'll agree, because really, what's space without asteroids, power armor, and multi block generators?
Keep an eye on our MC Channels, as we'll be posting screenshots from testing this week, as well as information and ways to get involved closer to launch!
Release Date will be the 7th of August, which is the Saturday. We'll be releasing on Version 1.17.1, with support for lesser versions. We've spent a lot of time making sure we're able to utilize the newest features, and that's it stable, so we really recommend the latest version of MC for this.

You start on an island in space, and the first Questline is about you reaching civilization. You may team up with friends in co-op or play completely alone! Whichever you prefer. In this first Questline, you'll figure out how to survive in space, the basics of progressing your island, and how to access the different worlds! The picture above shows our Beta Island Map with small resource pools, as well as an unlocked Portal.

Features On Launch + What's Up
The feature list has gotten pretty long. The majority of our features are completely custom and unique for the experience we're trying to create. On top of all the standard features that make Sky Block fun, we have tons of adaptions and mechanics to make it really feel like Space.

The above is a screenshot from our Asteroid Zone, which is similar to a mining or resource world. Allowing you to jump from Asteroid to Asteroid and mine them for resources. Don't fall out!

Some Features (Gameplay)
- Auction House.
- PvP Bounties & Survival.
- Asteroid Fields. (Multiple Tiers.)
- Energy Based Gadgets, Weapons & Consumables.
- Wireless Energy System, Solar Panels.
- Standard Skyblock Features. (CO-OP, Return to Islands, etc.)
- Amazing Mining Asteroid Fields with Space Gravity.
- Jetpacks & Movement Gear for Space. Fly int great beyond.
- Unique Crafting Recipes & Machine Upgrades.
- Quests: Automatically starts a Beginner Questline to gradually explain new mechanics In-game.
- Energy Based Shields.
- Craftable Gear Sets.
- Red Dwarf PvP Arena.
- Unique Spawners & Upgradeable Spawners.
- Power Armor charged via Energy.
- Farming Machines + Tiered Upgrades. Auto Collectors & More.
- Sitting on chairs!
Peak At The HUD & Gear

The above is a brief look at our HUD because every Space Adventurer needs a HUD. On the right side, you can see the Scoreboard which will display generic data like your Balance, while also adapting to whatever you're doing. It'll display Quests if you're in the middle of a Quest, or when PvPing will provide information such as your current bounty! It updates based on your activity at the time.
The top is the Shields & Energy Indicators. The "ENERGY" Bar is reflective of your islands energy store and is shared among all players on your island, while the "SHIELDS" bar is related to the Gear you have equipped and is completely personal.

We're currently looking for builders to help us put the finishing touches on a few builds in order to really bring everything to life. If you have build experience, feel free to DM me!
We are also looking for Moderators for our Minecraft Launch. If you feel you could help us out in Moderation, or even in another way don't be afraid to apply or reach out! We're going to be checking DMs & Applications daily so that we can find talented folks before launch.
Moderator Applications: https://forms.gle/8EEiF6FuFaSnQxPm8