Summer Schedule

Hi everyone. It's the middle of June, and pretty much all schools are now out. This post is not an update, but it's setting us up for summer. There will be multiple content updates this summer as well so stay tuned. :)
We are also recruiting Helpers, as well as new Developers so make sure to read through the whole post, and apply if that's something that interests you!
Full Calendar
This summer there will be multiple in-game and on-discord events happening every week with a mixture of recurring events, competitions, giveaways, mod events, and much more. The calendar may change a little bit so make sure to keep checking it. There also will be testing sessions occurring throughout this summer. Dates are TBD, but will be posted on the calendar by the end of June. :)
Event Types
Below are a few of the different event types that will be hosted this summer.
Discord Movie Nights
- Join the community on the weekends to watch a movie together.
Rotating Challenge Bosses
- When popping your Insignia's on certain days of the week, you will get a predetermined boss all day.
Alert Boost Days
- Alerts are more common these days!
- Keep your eyes peeled for giveaways this summer.
Helper Applications
If you haven't already noticed, there has been a very large upsurge in new players. We're looking for additional players to join our ranks as Helpers, to answer their questions in-game & on discord.
We are looking for 2-3 new helpers who will be responsible for keeping an eye on our Discord & helping new players get started with Valor.
Helper Applications may be found here. They will be open for about two weeks.
Other Roles
Backend Web Developer
- We are looking to hire a Backend Developer specializing in Payment APIs. Applicants should have past work. This is a paid position.
Content Developers
- We are looking for 1-2 Developers to join our team to develop content such as dungeons & game mechanics.
- This is a potentially paid position, but is also open to those with experience on their own server in the past, looking to create cool content or tinker on the weekends with a friendly group and a test server.
- The requirements between a paid and non-paid applicant would differ greatly. Contact an Administrator for further information.
If you are interested in a development position, please open a ticket or DM Arcanuo#7512 on Discord.