Valor on MacOS

Hello valorians in this blog I will show you how to play valor on a MacOS

Step 1:

Go into and install the 2.7.7 version of xquartz then head to and grab the latest version of wine stable from there (if you're lost in winehq just head to --> download --> scroll down a bit and click MacOS --> click the link under the installing part --> install wine-stable --> done)

Step 2:

Before installing them make sure you don't have any previous instances if so please go ahead and uninstall those and then reinstall xquartz and wine, for xquartz it's a .dmg file and for wine it's a .pkg file and the rest is pretty simple, then you just right click on valor and run with wine stable

Step 3:

right click on the valor.exe and then click run with wine stable

Some extra

If you use homebrew then follow this

to install xquartz do

brew install --cask xquartz

and to install wine use the following commands

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask --no-quarantine wine-stable

Note: if you're using catalina 10.15 this will not work. Also, if your game freezes when everything is done, you might need to uninstall and reinstall everything again. And thank you to Myrotik#7113 for helping me out