Holiday Update - 3.3.6

We'd like to start this off with a sincere Happy Holidays from us to you. The home screen has been Holidayified and will last until the new year. We wish everyone a great holiday season no matter what religion/customs you practice.
The new year will kick off with a balancing patch. Challenge League will start on the 17th December. This Challenge League includes the first live test of Ultra Titan. We'll also be experimenting with some item balancing in this weekend blitz. For more info on the Challenge league, check out the Calendar.
- A 2021 Santa Hat may be purchased in the Nexus for 5000 Fame. (Soulbound)
- The Skull Shrine is significantly less fiery! He and his minions see a Christmas Respite.
- Introduce the Snow Golem Duo as Gods in the Godlands.
Snow Golems

- The Snow Golem Twins are visiting over the holidays! They'll be in the Godlands and remove to the Midlands after the Holidays.
- These Golems drop a variety of normal and greater potions.
- These Snow Golems Drop & Re-introduce Ice Cave.
Ice Cave
- Ice Cave is re-introduced.
- HP Scaled Minions & Esben.
- Drops Mana (Guaranteed) & Vial of Mana.
- Drops Frost Wand & Skullish Wand of Esben.
- Chance to drop Onrane & Gold Caches.
- Chance to drop Sor Fragments.
- Planned for an upgrade or LG drop. (Not added in this patch.)
- Drops Staff of Esben, Frost Wand, and Skullish Remains of Esben.
These are Holiday Reskins, and will drop for a limited time. They do not replace the existing items, but are versions earnable during the Holidays.
Robes of Aldragine -> Santa's Coat
Drannol's Judgement -> Santa's Battle Armor
Ikari no Uwagi -> Kurisumasu no Uwagi
Protosyphic Launcher -> Candy Cane Launcher (This one is not legendary)
Enscapsulator -> Santa's Piece (Must craft with Candy Cane, not Proto)
Orbis Terrae -> Spruce Shank
Garnet's Onslaught -> Santa's Mitten
Jade's Judgement -> Santa Hat


- Removed the King's Chest section.
- Added the Ice Rink. (Super slidey!)
- The nexus is completely Holiday"ified"(is that a word?).
- Added Winter Rabbit.
- Added Red-Nosed Reindeer.
- Added Golden Reindeer.
- Added Mello Pet.
- Added Winter Rabbit Pet - Dropping as a rare chance from elite and scavenger loot boxes.
- Added Golden Reindeer Generator to Premium Lootbox.
- Added Ability Tracker & Scripture of Tracking to Premium Lootbox.
- Removed Ring Of Fire Skin Effect from Premium Lootbox.
All the below has been added to the Home Depot for the Holiday Season.
The snowmen and Trees have multiple variations. 4+ each!
- Added Christmas Trees.
- Added Six Purchasable Snow Men. This includes Dreadcull, Rogue and many more.
- Removed TT Water.
Game Changes
- Ulgur & Malgor saw significant HP scaling.
- Fixed fame exploit in Basement.
- Name Changes are now 50k fame.
- Serenity Spirals were adjusted.
- Serenity now has a Quiet projectile.
- Removed Oracles from Cosmic Shard.
- 16x16 & 32x32 Skins now size properly in the skin select menu.
- Disabled Guild Rewards.
Music Upgrades
- Serenity now has a unique tune. (Credit: ENNWAY)
- Upgraded the Nexus Theme. (Credit: ENNWAY)
- Also, put on a Christmas version of the new Nexus Theme. (Credit: ENNWAY)
Website Changes
- Added "Top Boostah" tag. (Requires 100+ Popped Boosts.)
- Centered the profile page on large displays.
- Centered the guild page on large displays.
- Resolved the drop-down hover bug when trying to select a dropdown hover and it poofs and can't be re-hovered. (Easily the most reported website bug ever.)
- Added the Media Page available @ - showing off some of Valors content creators.
- Top Daily Contract Leaderboard which was previousily named "Event Leaderboard" has been updated.
- Event Leaderboard has been renamed to Daily Contract Leaderboard, and shows the top completed contracts.
- Divine has been promoted to full Moderator from JrMod.
Credit To: ENNWAY (Music), BQ (Sprites), Snowdenn (Behaviors), Shiff(Pets), Arcanuo, Sebafra