3.1.6 - St. Patricks Update
St Patricks Day End Date: Next Wed. Purpose: This is a maxing + ascension event. Battle the Wandering Leprechaun for themed multi pots(acts as a potion for two stats) & collect F2P skins. LS1
St Patricks Day End Date: Next Wed. Purpose: This is a maxing + ascension event. Battle the Wandering Leprechaun for themed multi pots(acts as a potion for two stats) & collect F2P skins. LS1
Hey guys. This week has been very long for us, from 2fa problems to DDoSers, to continued cracking attempts, we've had our hands full. In between this and full time jobs, it's been
I'm going to go out and say it, if you like abilities, you'll like this one. This is an update focused around abilities & scaling our servers to support the player base. Almost everyday
We've done some work on Pack Rats. Still giving our best shot at memory issues, and this update is a pretty solid cleanup. We're working very hard to fix the loot issue, and
Valor has three different tiers of ranks. Purchasable/Donator ranks, Community Ranks & Staff Ranks. ► Purchasable Ranks The following ranks can be obtained here [https://valorserver.com/donate]. These are ranks and perks given
Hey! Super happy to roll this update out. Map Reworks Hey! Tons of new maps in this one. We've got a new nexus, which is a little bit of a spring theme, as
First of all many valorians use Game bar to record their gameplay, so what is game bar and how do I enable it? Game bar is a customizable gaming overlay for windows 10.
The valor staff team
RWT standing for Real World Trading is when two users trade in game items in exchange for realworld currencies or equivalent.